Correspondence: mmlatest additions: 8-14-24, 11-1-24, 11-17-24, 11-18-24, 12-6-24, 12-19-24, 12-29-24

These are HISTORICAL documents - 20+ years old for class one RRs; 10+ years old for shortlines.

If a PDF shows as blank pages, change your browser! Firefox is especially prone to this. Downloads should be OK, regardless. Chrome and Safari are more likely to properly display PDF's.

Special Instructions and Special Rules are denoted by an ampersand; misc. documents by a hash mark.

ETT = employee timetable; PTT = public time-table; SR = Special Rules; SI = Special Instructions
M = map

NEW 4-30-24: We have reorganized our Miscellaneous Documents Section (see below) to include our ongoing Rules & Regulations and Seniority Rosters pages, as well as a new vintage ICC documents page.

NEW pages, 4-30-24: see further below for descriptions

Index of more than 400 companies at mid-page
Links to other sites' timetable offerings at page bottom

We are told that a now-deceased fellow once boasted of a collection of 125,000+ timetables, yet none of them saw the light of day. That sort of thing has been a continual lament of ours for a long time, for maps and timetables are crucial to serious study of railroads. Thus we embarked upon a modest attempt at remediation, something which found a full head of steam a decade later in 2016, when Tim Zukas led a subsequent parade of generous contributors to our Historical Maps & Timetables. Since then a host of other private and institutional sites have done likewise. This is all quite gratifying.

And we are always anxious to add another generous soul to the list. - E.O. Gibson

A note to writers, authors unversed in railroads: The information you want is contained within public timetables : "PTT" (see Index below), and also in public brochures on our Miscellaneous Documents Page.

A special thanks to Michael Lowe (an ex-MKT guy) for his ongoing editorial duties in keeping the M&TT Pages straight. In particular, the Index below would be a muck without the benefit of his sharp eye. - E.O.

Miscellaneous Documents Section

  1. Miscellaneous Railway Documents: - an assortment of Southern Pacific, Chicago Great Western and other RR docs, ranging from station agency list to equipment drawings to diesel operators' manuals to Rules for Loading Freight Cars to a host of other categories; latest additions: 4-30-24, 5-31-24
  2. New 4-30-2024 ICC WWI-era Valuation Summaries for Western/Plains States Shortline and Regional Railroads, plus ICC annual Locomotive Inspection Reports, 1912-1965 - from the Collection of Allen Stanley
  3. Rules & Regulations - a large number of all sorts, including a selection of SP operating & M/W rule books dating back to 1890.
  4. Western U.S. Historical R.R. Employee Rosters - from RR's and commercial time books; many SP Pacific Lines, but other RR's, as well

Maps & Timetables Section

  1. Collection of Wx4 - U.S. and international timetables, maps, paper with a concentration on U.S. shortlines and interurbans; page includes Mexican timetables from Ed Von Nordeck and Todd Minsk; more than 150 railroads represented; last additions 3-27-23, 7-30-23, 8-9-23, 11-18-24. NOTE: ALL OF THIS PAGE'S SP FILES HAVE BEEN MOVED TO THE NEW Collected Southern Pacific & Subsidiaries Maps & Timetable page (see Page 14 below);

  2. Collection of Tim Zukas - PDF's of nation-wide class one and shortline employee and public timetables; extensive SP, UP, AT&SF, WP, some 19th Century; several track charts; last additions 4-30-24, 7-16-24, 7-19-24; 8-3-24; 8-9-24
    8-16-24, 11-1-24, 11-17-24, 11-18-24, 12-29-24

  3. Collection of "Englewood" - PDF's of mostly Chicago area employee and public timetables, as well as many other misc. documents; nearing 100 items; last additions 8-6-19 on this page & 5-29-20 in Misc. Documents

  4. Collection of Sheldon Perry - PDF's of class one and shortline timetables for railroads throughout the U.S.; extensive SP, UP, AT&SF, WP (nearly complete set) - many late 20th Century; includes SP Sacramento Div ETT's contributed by Mike Yoakum; last additions 5-23-23; 7-2-23; 7-30-23, 4-30-24, 8-14-24: now about 2500 files!

  5. Collection of Jon Habegger - PDF's related to railroads serving Chicago: employee timetables, schedules, track charts, stations & agents lists; AAR docs; about 700 items, including a large contribution of RPO route schedules and early 20th Century N&W ETT's courtesy of Dr. Frank Scheer of The Railway Mail Service Library; last additions 9-29-2022

  6. Collection of Dean Ogle - Well over 200 UP ETT PDF's and nearly 300 GN ETT PDF's, + misc. RR's;
    last additions 3-19-2021, 7-2-2023, 4-30-24, 11-1-24, 11-18-24

  7. Collection of Kenneth W. & David Moore - Kenneth collected these documents that son David scanned fpr Wx4 - PDF's of Middle & Lower Plains, Texas, Louisiana; many Santa Fe and other large and small railroad track charts, industry location maps (CLIC & etc.) and ETTs, many of which date from the 1980's & 90's; last additions 9-29-2022, 4-30-24, 11-13-2024

  8. Collection of "seabass"- an eclectic collection of timetables, rule books, brochures and miscellaney that span 125 years; last additions 3-14-23

  9. Collection of Dave Bernstein - Southern Pacific Texas & Louisiana Lines and predecessors employee timetables, 19th Century - onward; last additions 10-18-20

  10. Collection of Jerry Michels - Missouri Pacific and subsidiary employee timetables;
    division maps; last additions: 3-23-23, 7-2-23

  11. Collection of John Charles - Colorado, Southern Plains States, Texas & Louisiana;
    large SP T&L, KCS and MKT sections- many rare 19th Century TT's

  12. New 4-30-2024 Collection of cards84664 - 1960's & 70's Amtrak public timetables, plus suburban public timetables for Penn Central/SEPTA, Erie Lackawanna, Conrail & CNJ; last additions 5-25-2024, 6-6-2024

  13. The noble competition: Pioneer Bus Companies - last additions 7-31-23, 4-30-24

  14. New 4-30-2024 Collected Southern Pacific & subsidiaries, predecessors maps & timetables. When Wx4 started expanding the Maps & Timetables Pages with Tim Zukas's contributions, we had no idea that things would get so far out of hand, particularly with our SP coverage. By way of remedy we have created this page to mirror our SP offerings from other pages. Additions: 4-30-24, 5-31-24, 7-16-24, 7-25-24, 8-9-24, 11-1-24, 11-17-24, 1-19-25, 1-21-25

Maps & Timetable Locations Lists
Compiled by Bill Husband

The first group is comprised of Excel spreadsheet files, while the second group contains PDF's. The Excel list at below left catalogs Wx4 timetable files added to these pages before 9-29-22. Additions starting on 9-29 are all shown at the top of Wx4's individual collection pages.

The list at below right shows timetables found on other websites.

Maps & Timetables and Official Guides Indexed by:


note: many of these companies are also represented on the Rules & Regulations and Miscellaneous Documents pages

Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt and predecessors/successors listings shown below are also mirrored together in one spot on the Collected Southern Pacific & Subsidiaries Maps & Timetable page.

ETT: employee timetables
xxxSSI: special instructions xxxM: maps xxxPTT: public timetablesxx

A to F

AC Transit - bus (M 2)
Alaska Railroad (ETT 4, 8) (PTT 4)
Algoma Central (PTT 4)
Arcata & Mad River (PTT 1)
Akron, Canton & Youngstown (ETT 1, 2, 8)
Alton (ETT 5) (PTT 1, 4)
Alton / NYC joint (ETT 5)
Alton & Southern (ETT 8, 10)
Amador Central (ETT 1)
Amtrak (PTT 1, 3, 8, 12)
Ann Arbor (PTT 4, Car Ferry PTT 8)
Antioch, CA area coal mine railroads, ca1898

Arcade and Attica R.R. (PTT 1)
Arizona & California (ETT 4)
Arkansas Valley Interurban Company (Kansas) (PTT 1) (M 1)
Aroostook Valley RR (M 1)
Astoria and Columbia River (ETT 4)
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (ETT 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) (M 1, 7) (PTT 1, 4)
xxx(frt. schedules, 7) (misc. 8) (KCM&O PTT 4)
AT&SF / C&S / D&RGW Joint (ETT 2, 3, 5, 7)
AT&SF - Southern Pacific joint (PTT 4)
Atlanta & San Andrews Bay (ETT 4)
Atlanta & West Point - W. RR of Alabama - Georgia RR joint (ETT 8)
xxx(PTT 4, 5)
A&WP - SP - L&N - Southern RR joint (PTT 1)
Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
Atlanta Terminal Co. (ETT 8)
Atlantic City Railroad (ETT 4)
Atlantic Coast Line (ETT 2, 5) (PTT 4, 5)
Atlantic & Pacific (West. Div. ETT 2) (East. Div. Facilities list 10)
A&WP - L&N - SP - Southern - joint (PTT 1)
Auburn & Syracuse (PTT 1)
Austin & Northwestern (ETT 7)

Baltimore & Ohio (ETT 2, 4, 5, 8) (PTT 1, 4, 5, 8, 12) (misc. 8)
Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal RR (ETT 3, >5<, 8)
B&O / Illinois Central joint (ETT 5)
B&O / Penn Central Joint (ETT 4)
Bakersfield & Kern (PTT 1)
Baltimore Transit Company (PTT 1)
Bamberger Railroad (ETT 1, 4) (PTT 1, 4, 6)
Bangor & Aroostook (PTT 4)
Barre & Chelsea (PTT 1, 8)
Bay Point & Clayton (ETT 2)
Beaver & Ellwood (M 1)
Belfast & Moosehead Lake (ETT 8) (PTT 1)
Belt Railway of Chicago (freight schedules w/ M 3)
Benguela Railway: Rhodesia (M 1)
Bessemer & Lake Erie (ETT 2, 8) (PTT 4)
Blank generic ETT for model railroaders
Boston & Albany (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
Boston & Lowell (PTT 1)
Boston & Maine (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4, 8, 12)
Boston, Revere Beach (PTT1)
Boyne City & South Eastern (PTT 1)
Bridgton & Harrison (PTT 1)
British Columbia Electric (PTT 1, 4)
British Columbia Harbours Board Railway (ETT 4)
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (ETT 4)
British Columbia Ry. / BC Rail (PTT 4)
Bullfrog Goldfield / Tonopah & Tidewater (PTT 1)
Burlington Northern (M 4) (ETT -FW&D, 4) (PTT 4)
Burlington Northern & Santa Fe (M 7)
Burlington-Rock Island, FW&DC, CRI&P Joint (ETT 11)
Burlington Trailways (bus) (PTT 2)
BN / CMStP&P joint (ETT 3)
Burlington-Rock Island / CRI&P / FW&D joint (ETT 5, 11)
Butte, Anaconda & Pacific (ETT 4)

Cadillac & Lake City [Colorado] (ETT 4)
California Northern (ETT 4, 14)
California Southern / California Central (ETT 2)
California Western (ETT 1, 4) (PTT 1)
Camas Prairie R.R. (ETT 1, 4)
Cambria & Indiana R.R. (M 1)
Canadian National (Newfoundland narrow gauge) (ETT 3, 8)
CN (Great Slave Lake Branch) (ETT 8)
Cape Breton RY (PTT 1)
Cape Cod & Hyannis (PTT1)
Carson & Colorado (ETT 1, 14)
C&C - Virginia & Truckee joint (PTT 1)
Canadian National (PTT 1)
Canadian Pacific / CP Rail (ETT 4) (PTT 1, 4)
Cedar Rapids & Iowa City (ETT 4) (PTT 1)
Cedar River RR (ETT 4)
Central California Traction (ETT 2, 4)
Central Montana Rail (ETT 4)
Central of Georgia (PTT 4, 5)
Central of New England (ETT 2)
Central of New Jersey/Pennsylvania (ETT 2) (PTT 12
Central Oregon and Pacific (ETT 4)
Cenral Pacific (ETT 1)
Central Terminal (Toledo) (ETT 8)
Central Vermont (freight schedules, 8) (PTT 4)
Challenger joint C&NW-UP-SP train (PTT4)
Charles City Western (PTT 1)
Chesapeake & Ohio / Chessie (ETT 2, 4, 5, 8) (ferry PTT 1, 3, 8)
xxx(PTT 1, 4) (M 1)
C&O Union Station / Union Belt of Detroit joint (ETT 4)
Cheshire RR (ETT 11)
Chicago & Alton (ETT 5)
Chicago & Eastern Illinois (ETT 3, 4, 5, 8) (PTT 1, 3, 4, 5)
C&EI-Frisco Joint (ETT 2)
C&EI - Louisville and Nashville joint (ETT 8)
Chicago & Illinois Midland (ETT 5)
Chicago & Interurban Traction Co. (PTT 3)
Chicago & Northwestern (ETT 2, 5) (PTT 1, 4, 5) (Misc., 3)
C&NW / C&NW joint (ETT 4)
C&NW-Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern (ETT 4)
Chicago & Western Indiana (ETT 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) (M 3)
Chicago, Aurora & Elgin (PTT 5)
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (ETT 2, 4, 5) (PTT 1, 4, 5)
CB&Q, Burlington-Rock Island, Fort Worth & Denver Joint
xxx(ETT 5, 11)
CB&Q / CMStP&P joint (Chicago, Aurora & Elgin (PTT 5)
Chicago Central & Pacific (ETT, 4)
Chicago Great Western (ETT 2, 3, 5) (PTT 1) (M 1, 3)
CGW / CMStP&P joint (ETT 5)
CGW / CRI&P joint (ETT 5)
Chicago, Iowa & Nebraska R.R. (ETT 1)
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (Monon) (ETT 3) (PTT 3, 4, 5)
Chicago Junction Ry. (ETT 3)
Chicago, Lasagna & South Gasp ca.1973 (PTT 1)
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul (PTT 1)
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific (ETT 2, 4, 5) (PTT 1, 4, 5)
Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee (ETT 5) (PTT 4, 5)
CMStP&P / CGW joint (ETT 5)
CMStP&P / CB&Q joint (ETT 3, 4, 5)
CMStP&P / BN joint (ETT 3)
Chicago, New Orleans & Texas Pacific (ETT 2)
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (ETT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) (frt. sched. 3)
mmm(PTT 1, 5) (M 1, 3)
CRI&P / FW&D / Burlington-Rock Island joint (ETT 5)
CRI&P / CGW joint (ETT 5)
CRI&P / LS&MS (NYC) joint (ETT 5)
CRI&P / NYC Joint (ETT 3, 8)
Chicago South Shore & South Bend (ETT 4, 5)
Chicago Union Station (ETT 2, 4, 5)
Chihuahua al Pacifico (ETT 1) (brochure 1)
Chile RR's (M 1)
Cincinnati & Lake Erie (PTT 1)
Cincinnati, Georgetown RR (PTT 1)
Cincinnati, Georgetown & Portsmouth (New York) (PTT 1)
Cincinnati Northern (PTT 1) (stations, officials list, 5)
Cincinnati Union Terminal (ETT 3)
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis (ETT2) (PTT 5)
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis (Big 4) (PTT 5)
xxx(stations, officials list, 5)
Cleveland, north (M 1)
Cleveland, Southwestern Ry. & Light Co. (PTT 1)
Clinchfield (ETT 2)
Clinton, Davenport & Muscatine Ry (PTT 1)
Colorado & Southern (ETT 2, 4, 5, 7, 11) (PTT 4) (brochure 1)
C&S / Fort Worth & Denver (City) Joint (ETT 7) (PTT 4)
C&S / D&RGW / AT&SF Joint (ETT 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)
Colorado Midland (ETT see 2, AT&SF, 11) (PTT 1)
Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek Dist. (Short Line Blue Book 1)
Columbus & Greenville (ETT 8)
Colusa & Lake RR (M 1)
Conrail (PTT 1, 12) (M 2)
Continental Trailways (bus) (PTT 2)
Cornwall Railroad (PTT 1)
Costa Rica (M 1)
Coudersport & Port Allegany R.R. (PTT 1)
Covington & Cincinnati EL RR & Transfer & Bridge Co. (ETT 8)
Cowlitz, Chehalis & Cascade (ETT 4)

Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern (ETT 4)
Dallas Union Terminal (ETT 8)
Davenport, Rock Island & Northwestern (ETT 4, 5, 7)
Dayon - Goose Creek (ETT 9)
Dayton Union Ry. (SI, 8)
Death Valley RR / Tonopah & Tidewater (ETT 2)
Decatur Junction (ETT 4)
Delaware & Hudson (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4)
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
Denver & Intermountain (PTT 1)
Denver & Rio Grande (Western) (ETT 2, 4, 5, 7, 11) (PTT 1, 4, 5, 6)
Denver & Salt Lake (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
D&RGW / C&S / AT&SF Joint (ETT 2, 3, 5, 7)
Denver, South Park & Pacific (ETT 11) (PTT 1)
Denver Tramway (PTT 1)
Denver Union Terminal (PTT *)
DeQueen & Eastern / TX, OK & Eastern (ETT 4, 7)
Des Moines & Fort Dodge (ETT 8)
Des Moines Union Railway (ETT 5)
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line (ETT 3, 8)
Detroit, Monroe & Toledo Short Line (PTT 1)
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton (ETT 2, 8)
Detroit United Lines (PTT 1)
Dollar Line - early West Coast bus (Pioneer Bus Page)
Dominican Republic (M 1)
Dominion Atlantic (PTT 1, 4)
Duluth, Winnipeg $ Pacific (ETT 6)Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Ry. (ETT 2, 8) (M 1)
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic (PTT 4)
Durham & Southern (ETT 4, 8)

East Broad Top RR (ETT), 1)
East TN. & W. NC / Linville River (ETT 1)
Eastern Idaho RR (ETT 4)
Edaville Railroad (PTT 1)
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry. (M 1)
El Paso & Southwestern (ETT 2)
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern (ETT 8)
Erie - Lackawanna (ETT 2, 3) (PTT 4, 12)
Erie Railroad (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4, 5, 12) (M 1)
Esquimalt & Nanaimo (PTT 4)
Eureka & Palisade (ETT 1, 2) (PTT1)
Eureka Southern (ETT 4)
Evansville & Ohio Valley (PTT 5)

Farmers Grain & Shipping (ETT 1)
Fernwood, Columbia & Gulf (ETT 4)
Ferrocarril del Pacifico (ETT 1) (PTT 8)
Ferrocarril Mexicano (PTT 1)
Ferrocarril Unidos del Sureste (ETT 2)
Florida East Coast Ry. (ETT 4) (PTT 1, 4, 5)
Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville (PTT 1)
Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville / New York Central (PTT 1)
Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern Ry. (ETT 8 [CNW 4]) (PTT 1, 4)
Fort Street Union Depot - Union Belt of Detroit joint (ETT 8)
Fort Worth & Denver (City) (ETT 2, 7, 11) (M 7)
FW&D / Colorado & Southern Joint (ETT 7) (PTT 4)
FW&D / CRI&P / Burlington-Rock Island joint (ETT 5, 11)
Fort Worth & Western (ETT 7)
Frisco - see St. Louis-San Francisco

G to Pere

Gainesville Midland Ry. (ETT 1)
Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio [SP] (ETT 9)
Galveston, Houston & Henderson (ETT 7)
Gary Railways (Indiana) (PTT 1, 8)
Gateway Western (ETT 7)
Georgia RR (PTT 4)
Georgia RR (ETT joint w/WRRofA RR, 8)
Georgia & Florida (ETT 8)
Golden Gate Ferries (SP) (PTT 1)
Gowrie & North-Western (C&NW) (ETT 4)
Grand Canyon Ry. ca.1905 (ETT 4)
Grand Canyon Ry. modern(ETT 4)
Grand Trunk (ETT 3) (PTT 4)
Grand Trunk Western (ETT 8)
Grasse River RR (PTT 4)
Greyhound (all companies) bus (PTT 10)
Great Northern (ETT 2, 4, 6) (PTT 1, 4, 6) (frt. schedules, 5)
xxxx(M 4)(equipment list, 5)
GN / UP / NP Portland-Seattle Pool (PTT 4)
Great Northwest RR (ETT 4)
Green Bay & Western (ETT 4) (PTT pass. & frt. 4)
Greyhound (bus) (Pioneer Bus Page)
Griffith, IL (M 1)
Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe (ETT 4, 7)
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (ETT 3, 5, 7, 8) (PTT 3, 4, 5) (M 3)
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio / Penn Central Joint (ETT 3)
(GM&O) Mobile & Ohio / IC Cairo Terminal (ETT 5)
Gulf, Western Texas & Pacific (ETT 9)

Hawaii Consolidated (ETT 1)
Hershey Transit (PTT 4)Hocking Valley (PTT1)
Hocking Valley (ETT 2)
Houston & Shreveport (ETT 9)
Houston & Texas Central (ETT 9)
Houston Belt & Terminal (ETT 7, 8) (M 7)
Houston East & West Texas (ETT 9)
Hudson & Manhattan / Lackawanna RR - Hudson Tunnel (PTT 1)
Hudson River Railroad (ETT 2)
Huntington & Broad Top Mountain RR & Coal Co. (PTT 1)

Illinois Central (Gulf) (ETT 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) (PTT 1, 4) (M 3, 5)
IC / B&O joint (ETT 5)
IC / Mobile & Ohio Cairo Terminal (ETT 5)
Illinois joint RR / interurban (PTT 1)
Illinois Terminal (ETT 5) (PTT 4, 5)
Indiana Harbor Belt R.R. (ETT 2, 4, 7) (M 1)
Indiana InterurIndiana Harbor Belt R.R. (ETT 4, 7) (M 1)
Indianapolis (M 1)
Indianapolis Union Ry. (ETT 8)
Inter - California Ry. (ETT 4)
International & Great Northern (ETT 8, 10, 11)
International Railway (Niagara Falls) (PTT 1)
Interstate Ry.(PTT 1)
Interurban Electric (ETT 4) (PTT 1)
Iowa Interstate (ETT 4)

Jacksonville Terminal Co. (ETT 8)
Jamestown, Westfield & Western (N.Y.) (PTT 1)
Junction City & Ft. Kearney Ry. (UP) (ETT 4)

Kankakee & Seneca (stations, officials list, 5)
Kansas City, Mexico & Orient (PTT 4)
Kansas City Public Service (PTT 1) (M 1)
Kansas City Southern (de Mexico) (ETT 2,4, 7, 11) (PTT 4, 5) (Maps, 7)
KCS-Missouri Pacific Joint (ETT 10)
Kansas City Terminal (ETT 8)
Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf (ETT 11)
KO&G-Midland Valley-Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka joint (ETT 11)
Kentucky & Tennessee Ry. (ETT 1)
Keokuk Junction (ETT 4)
Key System (ETT 2) (PTT) (M 1, 2)
Kiamachi RR (ETT 4, 7)
King Street Station (Seattle) (ETT 4)
Kushequa RR (PTT 1)

Lackawanna (PTT 5)
Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley (PTT 1)
Lake Erie & Northern-Grand River Railway (ETT 4)
Lake Erie & Western (PTT 1)
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern (NYC) (ETT 2, 4)
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern (NYC) - CRI&P joint (ETT 5)
Lake Shore Electric (PTT 1)
Lake Superior Terminal & Transfer (ETT 8) (PTT 4)
Lakeside & Marblehead (PTT 1)
Lancaster & Chester (strange dining menu, 1)
Lehigh and Hudson River (ETT 2, 8)
Lehigh & New England (ETT 2)
Lehigh Valley (ETT 8) (PTT 1, 4)
Lehigh Valley Transit (PTT 1)
Lewis & Clark Ry. (ETT 4)
Litchfield & Madison (ETT 5, 8) (M 1)
London & Pt. Stanley (PTT 1)
Long Island RR (PTT 1, 12)
Longview, Portland & Northern (ETT 4)
Los Angeles & Salt Lake (ETT 2, 4)
Los Angeles & San Diego Beach (PTT 1)
Louisiana and Arkansas (ETT 7, 11)
Louisiana and Arkansas - Texas and Pacific joint (ETT 8)
Louisiana, Arkansas & Texas (ETT 11)
Louisiana Ry. & Navigation (ETT 11)
Louisiana Ry. & Navigation of Texas (ETT 11)
Louisville & Jeffersonville Bridge & Railroad (ETT 8)
Louisville & Nashville (ETT 2, 5, 7, 8) (PTT 1, 4, 5) (M 1)
L&N - Chicago & Eastern Illinois joint (ETT 8)
L&N - SP - Southern - Atlanta & West Point joint (PTT 1)
Lowville & Beaver River (PTT 1)

Magma Arizona (PTT 6)
Mahoning Valley Electric Ry. (PTT 1)
Maine Central (PTT 1, 4) (M 1)
Manchuria (M 1)
Manitou & Pike's Peak (ETT 11) (PTT 1, 11) (M 11)
Manchuria (M 1)
Marietta & Cincinnati (M 1)
Marietta, Columbus & Cleveland (PTT 1)
Marion [Indiana] Railways (PTT 1)
Maryland & Pennsylvania R.R. (PTT 1, 4)
McCloud River R.R. / Mc Cloud Ry. (ETT 4) (M 1)
Metrolink (M 2)
Metropolitan Boston Trans. Auth. (PTT 12)
Mexican Central (PTT 1)
Mexican International (SP) (PTT 1)
Michigan Central (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
Midland Terminal (ETT 1)
Midland Valley (ETT 11)
MV-Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf-Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka joint
xxx(ETT 11)
Milwaukee Electric Lines (PTT 1, 5)
Milwaukee Rapid Transit & Speedrail Co.(PTT 1)
Minneapolis & St. Louis (ETT 2) (M 1)
M&StL - Minneapolis Industrial Ry. joint (ETT 8)
Minneapolis, Red Lake and Manitoba (ETT 1)
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester & Dubuque (PTT 1)
Minnesota Western (PTT 1)
Mississippi Central (ETT 4)
Missouri-Kansas-Texas (frt sched, 1) (ETT 7, 8) (PTT 1, 4, 5) (M 1, 7)
Missouri-Illinois (ETT 8)
Missouri Pacific & subsidiaries (ETT 5, 7, 8, 10-page, 11)
xxx(Frt. schedules, 7) (PTT 4, 5) (Maps, 7, 10)
Missouri Pacific Houston Interurban (PTT 1)
MP-Kansas City Southern Joint (ETT 10)
Mobile & Ohio / IC Cairo Terminal (ETT 5)
Monon, see: Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville
Monongehela Ry. (ETT 2, 8)
Montana Rail Link (ETT 4)
Montana Western (ETT 1)
Monticello Steamship Co. [SF&NV RR] (PTT 1)
Montpelier & Wells River (PTT 1)
Morgan's Louisiana & Texas RR and Steamship Co. (ETT 9)
Morgantown & Kingwood R.R. (M 1)
Montana Western Ry. (ETT 1)
Motor Transit Stages - CA bus (Pioneer Bus Page)
Mount Hood Railway (ETT 4)
Mt. Tamalpias & Muir Woods (ETT 2)

Nacionales de Mexico (ETT 1, 11) (PTT 1)
Napa Valley Railroad (ETT 4)
Napierville Juntion (ETT 4) (PTT 1)
Narragansett Pier (PTT 1)
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
Nevada Copper Belt (newspaper PTT 1)
Nevada County Narrow Gauge (ETT 1, 2)
Nevada Northern (ETT 2, 4) (PTT 4)
New Albany & Salem (ETT 1)
Newfoundland Ry. (PTT 4)
(The) New England Ry. Co. (ETT 2)
New Haven, City of (PTT 1)
New Jersey & New York Railroad (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4)
New Orleans Public Belt (ETT 8)
New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal (ETT 4)
New York & Long Branch (ETT 12)
New York & New England (ETT 2)
New York & New Jersey & New York Railroad (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4)
New York Central (& Hudson River) and subsidiaries (ETT 2, 4, 5)
xxx(PTT 1, 3, 4, 5, 12) (Big 4 stations, officials list, 5)
NYC / Alton joint (ETT 5)
NYC - Rock Island joint (ETT *)
New York, Chicago & St. Louis (Nickel Plate Road & predecessors)
xxxx(ETT 3, 5, 8) (PTT 1, 4, 5)(M 3)
New York, New Haven & Hartford (ETT 2, 4, 5) (PTT 12)
New York, Ontario & Western (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4)
New York, Susquehanna & Western (ETT 2, 8)
New York, Texas & Mexican (ETT 9)
New Zealand railways (M 1)
Niagara Gorge Railroad (brochure, 5)
Norfolk, Arbemarle & Atlantic (PTT 1)
Norfolk & Western (ETT 2, 5, 7, 8) (PTT 3, 4)
Norfolk Southern (ETT 7)
North Coast Railroad (NWP lessee operator) (ETT 4)
Northern Alberta Railways (PTT 1) (M 1)
Northern Central / Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington (PTT 1)

Northern Electric (ETT 1)
Northern Pacific (ETT 1, 4, 6) (PTT 5, 6) (M 1)
NP / C&NW joint (ETT 4)
NP / GN / UP Portland-Seattle Pool (PTT 4)
Northern Pacific Terminal Co. (ETT 4) (M 4)
Northwestern Pacific (ETT 1, 4, 6) (PTT 1, 4, 6) (M 1)
Northwestern Pacific (lessee operator) (ETT 4)

Oahu Railway & Land Co. (PTT 1)
Oakland, Antioch & Eastern (PTT 1)
Ocean Shore Ry. (ETT 2)
Ogden Union Ry. and Depot Co. (ETT 8)
Ohio & Mississippi Railway (B&O) (PTT 1, 5)
Ohio Public Service (PTT 1)
Oklahoma City-Ada-Atoka Midland Valley-Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf
xxxjoint (ETT 11)
Oklahoma, Kansas & Texas (ETT 7)
Oklahoma Railway Company (freight brochure)
Oregon & Southeastern R.R.(M 1)
Oregon, California & Eastern (ETT 1, 4) (M 1)
Oregon Electric (ETT 4)
Oregon Short Line (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Oregon Stage System (bus) (PTT 13)
Oregon Trunk (ETT 2,4)
egon-Washington Railroad & Navigation (ETT 4)

Pacific & Idaho Northern (ETT 4)
Pacific Coast Ry. (California) (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
Pacific Coast Ry. (Washington) (ETT 4)
Pacific Electric (ETT 4) (PTT 1)
Pacific Great Eastern (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Pacific Northwest Traction (ETT 4)
Pajaro Valley Consolidated (ETT 1, 2) (M 1)
Palouse River RR (ETT 4)
Palouse River & Coulee City RR (ETT 4)
Panama Railroad (ETT 11) (PTT 1, 6, 11)
Panhandle & Santa Fe (ETT 2, 7)
Paris and Mt. Pleasant R.R. (M 1)
Pend Oreille Valley (ETT 4)
Peninsular Ry. (SP) (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
Penn Central (PTT 3, 4, 8) (M 2) ((misc., 8)
Penn Central / Gulf Mobile & Ohio Joint (ETT 3)
Penn Central / Baltimore &Ohio joint (ETT 4)
Penn Central-SEPTA (PTT 12))
Pennsylvania Railroad (ETT 2, 5, 8) (PTT 1, 3, 4, 5, 8) (M 2, 5)
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines & predecessors (PTT1)
Peoria & Eastern (ETT 5) (PTT 4) (stations, officials list, 5)
Peoria & Pekin Union (ETT 4, 5)
PEPCO / Portland Electric Power Co. (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Pere Marquette (ETT 8) (PTT 4, 5)

Pickwick to Z

Pickwick Stages (early western bus line) (PTT 10)
Pickwick / Greyhound (early bus line) (PTT - Pioneer Bus Page)
Pierre, Rapid City & Northwestern (ETT 1)
Pioneer Stages (Pioneer Bus Page)
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (ETT 7) (PTT 4)
Pittsburg & West Virginia (ETT 2, 8)
Portland & Rumford Falls (Maine) (PTT 1)
Portland Railway Light & Power ((PTT 4)
Portland Traction Co. (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Potomic Yard joint (ETT 8)
Petaluma & Santa Rosa (ETT 2)
Philadelphia. & Reading (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
Philadelphia & Western (PTT 1)
Phillips Tourist Excursions (Midwest to West) (PTT 1)
Piedmont & Northern (PTT 1)
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R.R. (ETT 1,4) (PTT 3)
Pittsburgh & West Virginia (ETT 8)
Pittsburgh, Shawmut & Northern R.R.(ticket listing stations, 1)
Port Angeles & Western RR (ETT 1)
Portland & Western / WillamETTe & Pacific (ETT 4)
Portland Railway Light & Power (PTT 4)
Portland Terminal (ETT 4)
Portland Electric Power Co. / PEPCO (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Potomac Edison / Blue Ridge Lines (PTT 1)
Prescott & Northwestern (ETT 8)
Pullman (brochure, 5)

Quanah, Acme & Pacific (ETT 2)
Quebec Central (PTT 1, 4)
Quebec, North Shore & Labrador (ETT 8)

Railway Express Agency (Diversions, 1)
Rapid City, Black Hills & Western (ETT 1) (brochure 1)
Raritan River (ETT 2)
Reading; Philadelphia & Reading (ETT 2) (PTT 1, 4)
Reading Street Car System (M 1)
Red Arrow Lines (PTT 1)
Red River Valley & Western (ETT 4)
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomic (ETT 2)
Richmond Shipyards Ry. (Key System) (PTT 1)
Rio Grande Junction Ry. (ETT 1, 11)
Rio Grande Southern R.R. (ETT 2, 4) (PTT 1)
Rio Grande Valley Traction (brochure 1)
Robverbal-Saguenay (ETT 4)
Rutland (PTT 1, 4)

Sacramento Northern (ETT 1, 2, 4) (PTT 1, 6)
Sacramento Short Line (PTT 1)
St. Joseph Valley (PTT 1)
St. Louis Municipal Bridge Railway (ETT 5) (SI 8)
St. Louis-San Francisco [Frisco] (ETT 3) (PTT 1, 3, 4) (M 1, 7)
xxx(op. data sheets, 7)
SLSF-CHicago & Eastern Illinois Joint (ETT 2)
St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas (SSW) (ETT 11)
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern (ETT 10)
St. Louis Southwestern (ETT 4, 7, 9, 11) (PTT 4)
St. Paul Union Depot (ETT 4)
Salt Lake & Utah (PTT 1)
Salt Lake City Passenger Station [UP] (ETT 4)
Salt Lake City Union Depot [D&RGW / WP) (ETT 4)
Salt Lake, Garfield & Western (ETT, 4) (PTT 6)
San Antonio & Aransas Pass (ETT 9)
Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes (PTT 1)
Sand Springs Ry. (ETT 4)
San Diego & Arizona (Eastern) (ETT 1, 2, 4, 7)
San Diego & Southeastern (SP) (ETT 1)
San Diego Northern (ETT 4)
San Francisco Muni (M 2)
San Francisco, Napa and Calistoga Ry. (ETT 2) (Monticello Steamship
mmCo. PTT 1)
San Francisco - Sacramento RR (later: SN) (PTT 6)
San Francisco, Vallejo & Napa Valley RR (PTT 1)
San Luis Valley Southern (ETT 1)
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake (ETT 2)
Santa Fe Pacific - ca.1900 (ETT 4)
Santa Fe Southern (ETT 4)
Santa Fe Trailways (bus) (PTT 2)
Santa Maria Valley (ETT 2, 4)
Savannah & Atlanta (ETT 3, 8)
Scranton, PA: 1874 (M 1)
Seaboard Air Line (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
(pass. trns. consists 5)
Seaboard Coast Line (ETT, 7) (Fruits & Vegetables Schedules, 5)
Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern (later Norhern Pacific) (PTT 1)
SEPTA-Penn Central/Conrail (PTT 12)
Shaker Heights Rapid Transit (PTT 1)
Sheffield & Tionesta Railway (PTT 1)
Shipyard Railway, CA (ETT 2) (PTT 1)
Shore Fast Line (PTT 1)
Sioux City, O'Neil & Western Ry. (Pacific Short Line) (PTT 1)
Sierra Ry. (ETT 1, 2, 4)
Silverton RR (ETT 11)
Silverton Northern (ETT 11)
SOO (ETT 6) (PTT 1, 3, 4)
Sonora - Baja California (ETT 1)
South Kansas & Oklahoma (ETT 7)
South Orient (ETT 7)
Southeast Kansas (ETT 7)
Southern California Ry. ca.1900 (ETT 4)
Southern New York (PTT 1)
Southern / Central Pacific, incl. T&L Lines (ETT 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11)
xxx(PTT 1, 2, 4)
(M 1, 2)
Southern Pacific de Mexico (SP) (PTT 1)
SP - AT&SF joint (PTT 4)
SP - L&N - Southern - Atlanta & West Point joint (PTT 1)
Southern Ry. (ETT 3, 5) (PTT 1, 4, 8-frt.; 1- joint with SP, 3, 5) (M 3)
South Pacific Coast (ETT 2) (M 1)
Spain & Portugal (M 1)
Spokane and Eastern RY and Power (GN) (PTT 1, 4)

Spokane and Inland Empire (GN) (PTT 1, 4)
Spokane International (ETT 4)
Southern Traction Co. (PTT 1)
Southern Ry. (ETT 2) (PTT 4)
Southern Ry. - SP - L&N - A&WP joint (PTT 1)
Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Palouse Ry. (ETT 4)
Spokane, Portland & Seattle (ETT 1, 2, 4) (PTT 1, 6)
Springfield Vermont Electric RY Co. (PTT 1)
Staten Island Rapid Transit (ETT 2, 8)
Sugar Land Ry. (ETT 8)
Sumpter Valley (PTT 1)
Suncook Valley RR: (PTT 1)
Sunset Railway (ETT 4)

Tacoma Eastern (ETT 1, 4)
Tallulah Falls Ry. (ETT 1)
Tavares and Gulf: 1925 (M 1)
Temiscuata RY (PTT 1)
Temiskaming & Northern Ontario (PTT 4)
Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis (ETT 4, 5, 7)
TRRAofStL Joint w/Chicago RRs (ETT 5)
Texas & New Orleans and predecessors (SP Lines - East)
xxx(ETT 2, 4, 9, 11)
Texas and Pacific (ETT 2, 7, 11) (PTT 1, 4)
T&P - Louisiana and Arkansas joint (ETT 8)
Texas Electric (ETT 11)
Texas Mexican (ETT 7)
The New England Ry. Co. (ETT 2)
Tidewater Southern (ETT 1, 4)
Tijuana & Tecate (ETT 4)
Toledo & Indiana (PTT 8)
Toledo & Ohio Central (Extension RR) (ETT) (PTT 1)
Toledo Peoria & Western (ETT 4, 5, 7, 8)
Toledo Terminal (ETT 8)
Tonopah & Goldfield (ETT 2)
Tonopah & Tidewater / Death Valley RR (ETT 1, 2) (PTT 1)
Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo (ETT 8) (PTT 1, 4)
Tooele Valley (ETT 4)
Trailways bus (Pioneer Bus Page)
Traverse City, Leelanau & Manistique R.R. (M 1)
Trinity & Brazos Valley (ETT 11)
Trona Railway (ETT 4)
Tuckerton R.R. (ETT 1) (PTT 1)
Tucson Cornelia & Gila Bend (ETT 4)
Tuscola & Saginaw Bay (ETT *)
Twin Cities & Western (ETT 4)

Uintah Railway (ETT 1)
Unadella Valley (ETT 4)
Union Belt of Detroit - Fort Street Union Depot joint (ETT 8)
Union Belt of Detroit / Chesapeake & Ohio joint (ETT 4)
Union Electric Ry. (KS_OK) (PTT 8)
Union Pacific (ETT 2, 4, 6) (Perishable & Manifest Scheds, 5)
mmm(PTT & brochures, 2, 4, 5) (M 1, 4, 5, 7)
Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf (ETT 11)
Union Pacific, Lincoln & Colorado Ry. (ETT 4)
UP / CRI&P joint (ETT 4)
UP / GN / NP Portland-Seattle Pool (PTT 4)
Union Ry. (ETT 10)
Union Terminal Company - Dallas (ETT 11)
Union Traction Company (Kansas) (PTT w/ M 1)
United Railways (Oregon) (ETT 4)
U. S. R.R. Administration - B&O (PTT 1)
U. S. R.R. Administration Chicago Gateway (PTT 5); joint w/B&O
mmmMetropolitan Branch (PTT 1)
U.S. Railway Mail Service (RPO route schedules, 5)
Utah & Northern (UP) (ETT 4)
Utah Idaho Central RR (PTT 1, 6)
Utah Ry. (ETT 2, 4)
Utica, Ithica & Elmira R.R. (PTT 1)

Virginia & Truckee (ETT 1) (PTT 1, 6)
Virginian Ry. (ETT 2, 4)
V&T - Carson & Colorado joint (PTT1)
Visalia Electric (ETT 4)

Wabash (ETT 3, 5, 8) (PTT 5) (M 1)
Wabash / CB&Q joint (ETT 5, 8) (PTT)
Waltham Mass., Butman Druggist: steam & electric (PTT 1)
Wahigton & Old Dominion (PTT 1)
Walla Walla Valley (List of Stations 4)
Washington Central (ETT 4)
Washington, Idaho & Montana (ETT 4)
Washington Terminal (ETT 4, 5)
Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern (PTT 1)
Wellington Colliery Ry, BC (ETT 1)
Western Maryland (ETT 2, 8) (PTT 1, 4) (M 1)
Western Pacific (ETT 2, 4, 7) (PTT 1, 4, 5) (M 1)
Western RR of Alabama (ETT joint w/ A&WP, Georgia RR, 8) (PTT 4)
West Jersey (PRR) (PTT 1)
West Jersey (modern)(ETT 8)
West Jerey & Seashore (PTT1)
West Penn System (PTT 1)
West Side & Cherry Valley (PTT 1)
Wheeling & Lake Erie (original) (ETT 2, 8) (PTT 1, 4)
White Pass & Yukon (ETT 1, 4) (PTT 4)
White Sulphur Springs & Yellowstone Park (ETT 4)
Wichita Union Terminal (ETT 1, 3, 4, 8)
Wichita Valley (ETT 7)
Wichita Valley, joint with C&S/FW&D (PTT 4)
Willamette & Pacific / Portland & Western (ETT 4)
Willamette Shore Trolley (ETT 4)
Willamettee Valley Southern (PTT 4)
Willamette Valley - original & modern (ETT 4) (PTT 4)
Winchester & Western (ETT 8)
Wisconsin & Northern (ETT 1)
Wisconsin & Southern (ETT 4, 8)
Wisconsin Central (modern) (ETT, 7)
Wyoming Railway (ETT 1)
Wyoming Colorado (ETT 4)
Yakama Valley Transportation (ETT 4)
Yellowstone Park tributary RR's (M 1); see also Union Pacific
Youngstown & Warren (PTT 1)
Yellowstone Park tributary RR's (M 1); see also Union Pacific
Yosemite Valley Ry. (ETT 2, 4) (PTT 1)

Other Fertile Ground for Timetables (see also Bill Husband's Excel spreadsheet list above the index)
The following websites offer large quantities of timetables and other documents. Should you be aware of others, please let us know.

  • Ridgway Railroad Museum now has a nearly comlete set of Rio Grande Southerm ETT's online and is in the process of placing its collection of annual reports and train sheets online.
  • A large quantity of Union Pacific PTTs, ETTs, plus SP and D&RGW can be found at Don Strack's nonpareil Utah Rails website. 1888-1901 D&RG ETT's are a February, 2023 addition, and an excellent compliment to the above.
  • Canadian Pacific public and employee TT's - University of British Columbia
  • Canada Southern Ry. website, also includes New York Central, Michigan Central, Conrail & etc. - large assortment of maps and timetables
  • The Traingeek website has a host of Canadian timetables and misc. documents
  • A large stash of Canadian employee and public timetables can be found at Charles Cooper's Railway Page.
  • Multimodalways Railroad Archives has a large collection of U.S. and Canadien maps & timetables
  • Burlington Northern ETT's and PTT's, CMStP&P - BN Joint ETT's, and SP Oregon Division ETT's - Friends of the Burlington Northern
  • In 6-2021, Northern Pacific Railroad Historical Society added a large number of ETT's to its collection, including PTT's.
  • Joint Archives of the Great Northern Railway Historical Society (GNRHS) and Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association (NPRHA) - large collection of timetables, maps and other documents
  • "Silver Era" timetables and assorted memorabilia, U.S., Canada and some foreign - Streamliner Memories
  • Amtrak historical timetables - The Museum of Railway Timetables
  • Public Timetables of the New York Central
  • U.S. timetables from 1850's to 1920's - Railroads and the Making of Modern America
  • Rock Island and San Francisco Bay Area electric rys. are among the varied docs found at
  • Railroads of Cincinnatti has a nice collection of timetables, track charts & other documents for selected railroads serving the city.
  • All sorts of document PDF's representing more than four dozen railroads, large and small, are available at Moving the Freight.
  • Lots of Great Northern timetables and map PDF's are available at the Joint Archives of the Great Northern Railway Historical Society (GNRHS) and Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association (NPRHA)
  • VIA Rail 1976-2019 public timetables - This link was posted originally on It appears as if it may be temporary. You will need a Dropbox account to download - not .zip files at bottom of page. 3-19-2021
  • Timetable World - an English site that also includes North American timetables and Official Guides.
  • Rails and Trails has a nice collection of late 19th - mid 20th Century ETT's and PTT's, mostly for Old Midwest lines, plus a few for AT&SF. Unfortunately, most of them were scanned in the archaic djvu file format, for which no viewer is available for MAC computers.
  • A large quatity of Erie, Lackawanna and Erie-Lackawanna ETT's, PTT's and Rule books are available HERE, at an unnamed website, which warns to use Chrome or IE to browse them, due to their pre-Firefox age.
  • Rob Schoenberg at offers a growing collection of PRR ETT's
  • has a nice selection of timetables and other doc from the six railroads that comprised the East Coast's old Alphabet Route.
