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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmFred Boland's Photo Album:

Boland Family

Boland family home in Crow's Landing, with Fred's mother, Edna, sitting on the porch.

Walter Boland believes that this postcard photo depicts his Grandfather Archie's lumber yard in Crow's Landing.
The family home appears to be the house sitting above the end of the wood piles at photo top.

Born to be a rail: Fred at age 4, clutching onto a toy train, with his younger brother John, who died while working for Bechtel in the Middle East after World War II.

Geraldine "Gerry" (Cutsinger) Boland, Fred's wife, at Oakdale on a Sierra Railway excursion, June 20, 1948

Fred and Gerry's home on the upper reaches of San Bruno Avenue, Daily City - typically foggy weather.
