mGeographic Locations |
for Maps: See our extensice Maps & Timetables Pages
Coast / Western Divisions Engineering Drawings
Coast Division Misc. Photos continually growing collection
San Jose & Santa Clara Valley Index
San Francisco
San Francisco Peninsula
1Castroville 1974 and a hyndred years earlier
Monterey Branch (part of Del Monte series)
Events in Early Alameda County, CA Railroad History: CP & predecessors, 1861-1873
Western Division Photos, circa 1972, by Tim Zukas - some wonderful photography
Niles Tower & Environs; two pages
New 4-30-2024: Dumbarton Bridge Construction Photos
Altamont Pass, 4-6-6-2's
Fresno Yard, c1910 - B&W postcard colorized by Wx4; it turned out prety good
Post-Flood on Southern Pacific at Bay Point (Port Chicago), California, 1911
Roseville Yard & RH, 1910 photo
West (Sacramento) Valley Line
San Joaquin & Sierra Nevada Ry. (narrow gauge) ruminations, w/photo and maps
Donner Pass
Trackside from Eugene Through the Cascades to Donner and Beyond - a Wx4 friend's photo
xxxxxxxessay of his April, 1969 trip through the Cascades & Sierras (this page originally appeared in 2018,
xxxxxxxbut the link to it inadvertantly never made it to this index until now. Drat.)
Shasta Division
SP Northwest (N.CA & OR)
Brooklyn (Portland, Oregon) Roundhouse turntable replacement, 1925 - photos
Canby Oregon, 1974
Oregon Short Line 4-6-0 #800 on train #20, Roseburg, Oregon, ca. 1910-1913
Nevada, Carlin & Wells
Ogden,1969 (part of Mail & Express series)
The Riverside Local in 1993 - photos by Steve Donaldson
Tucson Division, Carrizozo Sub
Northwestern Pacific / Petaluma & Santa Rosa
mTrain Orders, DTC & Movement of Trains |
mSP (& some Amtrak) War Stories |
mLocomotives |
(see also: Geographic Locations, Above)
Early San Francisco Bay Area Locomotive Rosters Revisited - San Francisco & Oakland, San Francisco & Alameda, San Rafael & San Quentin revised rosters plus Los Angeles & San Pedro 2nd loco origin clarification - includes extensive notes
SP Steam locomotive rosters for 1935 and 1942
1941 Southern Pacific Lines Diagrams of Tenders; 80 pages
new 7-25-24 Number of Steam Locos and Diesel Units Assigned to SP Co. December 31, 1957 - SPCo doc broken down by division - Sheldon Perry
SP Steam in the Post-Season - photos of post 11-30-1956 active engines
Commute engines used in freight & through passenger service, month of September, 1963
mmmmmmmmmmtestimony before CA PUC by SP for Commute fares incresse
motor car madness - a collection of material related to gas-electric motor cars, mostly SP, mostly Mckeen;: now includes the Mckeen Motor Train! and SP Mckeen roster docs
Peninsular Railway: A Biography of a Humble Litte Line Car - log book of car #14's activities, circa WWI
new 8-14-24 Caltrain 1992 electrification feasibility study - Caltrans doc
Operators' Manuals
Steam Locomotive Blueprints - rescued by Bayshore Machinist Fred Boland - about 120!
new 10-24-24 Detailed SP C. S. steam loco drawings - excerpts from 1905 American Engineer and Railroad Journal articles: coal burning 4-4-2, 4-6-2, 2-8-0, 0-6-0 - Google Books
Southern Pacific's Early Remote Control Locomotive Tests, 1961-65
Historic SP Bloody Nose diesels congregate at W. Oakland, 1959 - don't miss the details!
new 10-24-24 RS-32 Photo Album - eventually well over a hundred pics of SP/NYC and later owner's units
Commute GP9 3187 - "A Swing and a Miss: musings about Caltrain's 1982 paint scheme, Governor Medfly & B.F. Biaggini"
new 10-24-24 Wx4 Staff Reunites With Caltrain #901 - photos, commentary about our favorite loco
SP Fairbanks-Morse Photo Gallery - H12's & T-M's
F7A #6436 in 1968-69
FP7 #6462, system unique
E7A #6003, the last one, 1968
E9A #6051 at Dunsmuir, 1990's, North Bank Fred photo
GP35 #6666, The Devil's Own
GP40X - photos & related stories
A hot move on the Peninsula - RS-32 fire at Mountain View, 1974
Re Railing the 3029
Krauts & Alcohaulics
4-6-6-2's on Altamont Pass
SP 4-4-0 #21 at Castroville c1875, parlor photo - bottom of page
The "roundhouse corollary" of the third law of thermodynamics: SP mountain 4315 takes a nosedive
new 8-14-24 WHAT the...? Angus McDonald toys with ultra streamlined steam idea in 1933: includes PDF of elevations for 4-4-2T, 4-4-4T, 4-4-0 & 4-4-2
4449 and the Freedom Train
Alien Visitors to San Jose
Final SP Peninsula Commute Fleet Roster - 1980
The Last Steam-Powered Peninsula Commute (you say 1957? Wrong!)
Last SP Standard Gauge Steam Revenue Freight Train, 12-30-57
SP locos in manufacturer's ads
mPassenger Trains & Equipment |
mFreight & M/W |
mSelected Readings About SP in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Southern Pacific's Coast Line (1994), Southern Pacific's Coast Line Pictorial (1999) and Southern Pacific's Western Division (2003), by dedicated SP historian and man-of-many-talents John R. Signor (Signature Press, pub.); much info on Wx4 is gleaned from his writings. All are in print. |
Southern Pacific Bay Area Steam, by Harre W. Demorrow (Chatham Publishing, 1979,
out of print); a fine picture bookwith many early photos, including ferries and NWP.
Prune Country Railroading, by ex WP Engineer Norman W. Holmes (Shade Tree Books, 1985, out of
print); Wx4 depends heavily upon this excellent resource on all Santa Clara Valley railroads (excluding electric).
Tracks, Tires and Wires, by Charles S. McCaleb (Inreurban Press, 1981, out of print); a thorough
history of SP's Peninsular Railways interurbans in the Santa Clara Valley, plus local streetcars and
bus lines. His earlier The San Jose Railroads Centennial 1868-1968 (Local History Studies,
Foothill Jr, College District, 1968) is a very rare spiral-bound booklet covering the same topic.
When Steam Ran in the Streets of San Francisco, by Walter Rice & Emiliano Echeverria
(pub. 2002 by Harold E. Cox, 80 Virginia Terrace, Forty Fort PA 18704, in print?); a fascinating,
absolute-must-have, sleeper of a book that covers the Ocean View Line, amongst many others.
Peninsula Service, by Fred A. Stindt (The Wesstern Railroader, Issue No. 213, July 1957;
reprinted 1967? out of print) The standard reference for vintage SP commute service info.
History of the San Francisco & San Jose Railroad, by Loius Richard Miller (MA Thesis, San Mateo
Jr.College, June 1941) So far, still the definitive work on the SF&SJ. Click title for online link.