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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmFred Boland's Photo Album:

Fred's Models

Fred likely constructed this wooden model of SP Cab Forward #4107 about the time that the prototype entered service in 1928. The photo may date from later.

Fred started this live steamer as a highschool machine shop project, and later numbered it the first locomotive he worked on - assisting a journeyman with #2762, which was sitting, boiler off, in the Bayshore backshop. Son Walter still has this loco - which Fred never finished - along with the Cab Forward.

Fred's early garden railway efforts, probably in the family's San Jose backyard in the early 1920's - note the Southern Pacific influence.

Garden railway, Oakland, circa late 1920's. Fred hand-lettered his rolling stock with toothpicks.

Judging by the lack of weeds, this is an earlier photo of the Oakland "layout", circa 1925.

Fred gave this trainset to a young kid in the neighborhood, circa?
