................Southern Pacific Long Range Planning Program, 1956
text & maps

In anticipation of increased lumber traffic on its Portland-LA, Ogden and Portland-Ogden Gateways in the future, Southern Pacific's Freight Traffic Department engaged in a study during 1956 to determine what sorts of physical improvements might be needed during the course of the next two decades to accommodate new business. The (weighty) results are presented on this page in pdf form, scanned at the Shasta Division Archives.

The first several chapters present a collection of "Special Facts" about California, Oregon and Nevada, that include a host of demographic and business data, as well as current and anticipated operating problems requiring attention. Chapter VI is the kicker, for it lays out "PHYSICAL CHANGES NECESSARY TO IMPROVE OPERATING PERFORMANCE AND MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ANTICIPATED GROWTH". To Wx4 Staff, this section reads like a traffic manager's Christmas wish list, created under the axiom, Throw enough crap against the wall and something is bound to stick.

The accompanying large (originals up to eight ft. long) maps graphically clarify these plans, both good - and in hindsight - a bit over the top. In particular, Exhibit B-3 shows a proposed cutoff between the Modoc Cutoff and Gerlach, Nevada, which included CTC on it and the Modoc.

If you are a student of SP in that time period, these docs constitute a rabbit hole that will trap you for a goodly amount of time.



Long Range Planning Program, 9-10-1956, 213 pgs; 43 MB


Planning Exhibit A Proposed Physical Changes in CA, NV, OR
Planning Exhibit A-1 Roseville Yard Additions
Planning Exhibit B Proposed Physical Changes in CA, OR
Planning Exhibit B-1 Klamath Falls Yard Expansion
Planning Exhibit B-2 Proposed Alturas Yard Expansion
Planning Exhibit B-3 Proposed Modoc-Gerlach Cutoff
Planning Exhibit B-4 Proposed Ashland Yard Expansion
