C&O Ferries
C&O Index
Big Railroads

Reed City,

where Chessie and Penn Central crossed paths

After crossing Lake Michigan on the Chessie's car ferry Badger, the Wx4 team progressed eastward along the C&O right-of-way to Reed City, a busy place when predecessors Pere Marquette and Pennsylvania Railroad crossed there. By September, 1974, the C&O freight office was closed, the passenger depot - which once sat at the diamond - was gone, and the Penn Central tracks appeared little used.

Today, it's all gone - the freight station subsequently was demolished and the nearest rail is 18 miles away from Reed City.

The three photos at page bottom, taken a little later the same day, show an eastbound C&O freight somewhere on the now-abandoned trackage between Reed City and Farwell.

You can find photos of Reed City's passenger station at Michigan's Internet Railroad History Museum

Further Back in Time

Further Back in Time

It appears that this photo was shot from a boxcar roof on a spur, and that the depot is out of view somewhere to the left.
click on photo for enlargement- Wx4 collection

1908 dated postcard

vintage postcard reproduced in 1975 for the city's 100th anniversary

another postcard photo from nearly the same angle as above, but probably a decade, or so, later
click on th image for an enlargement - Wx4 collection

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