latest addition: 5-28-24
Shortline Railroads
Also see our enormous collection of Maps & Timetables for scores of shortline RR's not listed here, and also Allen Stanley's shortline ICC ca.WWI Valuation Summaries

California & Oregon Coast RR:

  • Hobbs, Wall & Co. / Crescent City & Smith River /Del Norte Southern - NEW photo 4-30-24
  • Crescent City Mill & Transportation Co.
  • Westbrook, Bomhoff and Hume
  • Kern & Kibbe
  • Smith River & Northern (CA-OR Lumber Co.)

Dome Railway Services, Illinois railway equipment repair service inside a geodesic dome. We bought the hat!

Tonopah & Tidewater: how the company
........exited the business using a timetable

Ocean Shore Railroad Malleys? What?:
one of our less reverent pieces concerning their interest in
.....buying a malley
Oregon, California and Eastern

Sorting out the veracity of the c.1897 "Morton Map" of Mt. Diablo, CA area coal mine railroads: feaures new data & map by Evan Josa and a fraud perpetrated by Teodoro Gusano III; Was Morton a drunk? also: Clyde Underwood's recent tour of the Mt. Diablo Black Diamond mines/railroads

:Longview, Portland & Northern, Southern Dicvision New photos 4-30-24

California Western

NEW 5-28-2024: 124 pages of 1929 N. Calif. & S. Oregon
Logging RR Data

(click on the below image for the PDF)

Logging in Redwood Country - Jeff Moore

Jeff Moore, the prolific author of books about the Western timber industry and its associated railroads, recently did a presentation to the Humbolt County Historical Society that expanded upon his commentary about Redwood Country's logging operations and legacy found in his book, Timber Industry Ghosts (Arcadia Publishing, 2019). His lecture is a fine one for getting up to speed on the Northwest California Coast lumbering and contains plenty of locomotive and equipment coverage well suited to the interests of seasoned railroad logging enthusiasts.

Jeff's assistance is noticeable on Wx4 in several places, particulaurly in our newly augmented C&OC / Hobbs, Wall & Co. page.
